Wise men bare gifts. Why do wise men bare gifts? Because they can test the spirit of those that receive them. Wisdom comes from God and it is the gift of God to men, it is wise to accept it. So even acceptance is a gift from God. If you go into an assembly bearing gifts the people assembled there will have an appreciation for you because you will have made them accept a gift because refusing it would be offensive. There is only one gift that is so precious that it would be offensive to refuse it and that is the salvation of yourself at the expense of the givers son's life. If you refuse that gift there is no salvation for you. No greater price has ever been paid and no greater gift has ever been given than salvation. Take care that you do not offend God by refusing his gift for such is the way of the foolish. Mercy or wrath the choice is yours.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wise men
Wise men bare gifts. Why do wise men bare gifts? Because they can test the spirit of those that receive them. Wisdom comes from God and it is the gift of God to men, it is wise to accept it. So even acceptance is a gift from God. If you go into an assembly bearing gifts the people assembled there will have an appreciation for you because you will have made them accept a gift because refusing it would be offensive. There is only one gift that is so precious that it would be offensive to refuse it and that is the salvation of yourself at the expense of the givers son's life. If you refuse that gift there is no salvation for you. No greater price has ever been paid and no greater gift has ever been given than salvation. Take care that you do not offend God by refusing his gift for such is the way of the foolish. Mercy or wrath the choice is yours.