Monday, April 28, 2008


When one is on a journey we should not lose sight of our destination especially if our traveling companion is our destination. This is how one gets lost on the way and parts ways with our traveling companion. Blessed are those who reach their destination because they are the ones who did not get offended and endured until the end. It is not spirit that gets offended but rather flesh and flesh that falls away when the spirit is willing to continue. This journey is not a pleasant polite stroll in the woods between charming companions but rather a brutal confrontation between bitter enemies where politeness and manners have no place. The longer the flesh resists the harder the journey is and it is a sure thing that no flesh will be left standing if the spirit is not in charge. Sweetness politeness and charm are attributes of the flesh especially when it tries to appear spiritual. True love is of the spirit and spirit know how to root out the hidden weaknesses of the flesh. This is why there will be fewer ladies in the kingdom because they will not be able to bear the exposure of the true nature of their flesh and be offended by it.