Monday, March 17, 2008

You must enter

You must enter into the kingdom. If you do not you are keeping Jesus from entering his kingdom. He is the king of kings and if you do not enter into the kingdom you will have no part in it. The end time harvest is brought into the kingdom and those that do not enter are not of the harvest but are the discarded tares. The kingdom is within you and you are commanded to seek it first. No ifs or buts about it, You must be transformed into his likeness or you will not inherit the kingdom. This transformation is gradual and ever increasing but starts with a willingness to obey. Say not that you will not enter , it is rebellion and sin against God to say so. Obey and enter or disobey and remain locked out by your own doing. There will be no one to blame but yourself. Repent and obey the father's will.