You have not because you ask not. Why would you not ask for good thing? Because you think you already have and you think it is a better thing. But God says ask and you shall receive. There are things that are of man and things that are of the spirit. Of the things of men , man can feel pride and receive honor but of the things of God only humility and persecution for the flesh and the spirit are in enmity and great is the offense when the flesh perceives that it has not what it claims to have, namely the things of God. The flesh wants to hear the things of the spirit that it may acquire it for itself and thereby get the same thing that it has always wanted honor and recognition. But God looks at the heart of men and knows whom he can trust. He will trust those who put away the things of men to follow after him. Walk away from the things you love and God will give you better if you only ask.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
You have not
You have not because you ask not. Why would you not ask for good thing? Because you think you already have and you think it is a better thing. But God says ask and you shall receive. There are things that are of man and things that are of the spirit. Of the things of men , man can feel pride and receive honor but of the things of God only humility and persecution for the flesh and the spirit are in enmity and great is the offense when the flesh perceives that it has not what it claims to have, namely the things of God. The flesh wants to hear the things of the spirit that it may acquire it for itself and thereby get the same thing that it has always wanted honor and recognition. But God looks at the heart of men and knows whom he can trust. He will trust those who put away the things of men to follow after him. Walk away from the things you love and God will give you better if you only ask.