Tuesday, March 18, 2008


There is only one form of acceptable worship and that is spirit and truth. Do not worship in the manner of the heathens with hands raised and singing hymns. Do not clap your hands like devil worshippers. Do not follow the traditions taught by your ancestors they are all an abomination to the lord. Let him who can hear the voice of the lord speak and let those who cannot listen. The voice of God has been silenced for too long by the devil worshippers in the flesh. From now on worship must be done in the spirit, alone with God. One on one. The only acceptable contribution by the flesh is repentance. Put on your best clothes and Go for a one and a half hour walk. Walk like a king , hold your head up, look straight forward and repent of all your devil worshipping, you will hear from the lord after about one hour. When I say go and sin no more I mean do not set foot in a church again or the lord will be wrought with you. Leave the place and never return. There will come a day when all shall worship him in spirit and truth but first you must stop worshipping the devil and by " You " I mean you who call yourselves by Christ's name. You workers of inequity. You brood of vipers. You wolves in sheep's clothing. You devil worshipers.