Thursday, March 20, 2008


Be ye subjected onto your husbands as the bride of Christ is subjected onto her groom. Have ye not taken his name as your own and are you not therefore subjected to his will. You have not taken his name to shed glory upon yourselves by the name you have been given but ye have been chosen to glorify your husband in the spirit of subjection. Be not rebellious in your heart and submissive in appearance because rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft whose curse is transmitted from generation to generation . Why are your children rebellious? Because of the curse and what is rebellion? the sin of religion. Having the outward sign of submission but a rebellious heart. Using your husband to fulfill your own will, using his words to speak your own mind and using his glory to shed glory upon yourselves. What manner of witchcraft is this? Repent and submit, now. Not tomorrow. Now.