Sunday, March 16, 2008

5/20/06 (2)

Re: A first post at the new board Second post

Every one thinks that the apostate church is this one and that one and condemns one or two churches as being apostate. Well there are several ways to determine whether a church is apostate. One is false doctrines and as such not one single church can escape scrutiny by the spirit in that respect. The other is to see if they are obedient to the lord. God said seek first the kingdom of God and in that respect I have yet to meet anyone who says they have entered into the kingdom. The kingdom is within you states scripture but most churches are busy trying to transform the world around them rather than seeking within. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of spirit and truth that is to say the truth by the spirit. Spirit and flesh are in enmity so I find it no surprise that I am not welcome in church because every word I speak is inspired by the spirit. The apostate church is one who uses the truth to tell lies. It is one who uses charity to disguise greed. It is one who uses humility to disguise pride and one who uses fasle obedience to diguise true dissobedience.